There has been much praise lavished upon the creator for their work, with one person suggesting that they could perhaps sell it, and another saying they would happily buy it. RELATED: Elder Scrolls Fan Finds Framed Skyrim Map at Secondhand Store Not only have they crafted each region and island, but they've also burned in quite a lot of detail, such as the mountain ranges, forest areas, as well as naming each major city that players come across in current games, and may come across in future installments. Uploading a series of photographs to the Elder Scrolls Subreddit a couple of days ago, user RiidoArts has managed to create a map of Tamriel which contains all the regions canonically known in the lore. With that, one person has showcased their skills by creating a laser cut map of the Elder Scrolls domain. With one fan noting that the real earth could one day resemble Tamriel, it shows just how much the whole franchise relies on having such an epic universe, and how important it is to the fan base. Each individual game may exist in its own provinces and regions, but put together it becomes a pretty enormous place.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the Elder Scrolls series is just how expansive the world known as Tamriel actually is.